WELCOME 🧿 ☮️ 𓋹 🐾
.... Follow me everywhere!

.....I love all types of art. I mostly use a componation ink (specifically my fav pens are black gel pens from the Dollar Tree brand 'Jot'), watercolor (Mei Liang brand), graphite, and even crayons and markers and magazine clippings and stickers and stuff I find in dumpsters. I see no reason why mediums shouldnt be combined and played with like a terrible terrible stew. I also edit and draw digitally a lot, I use ClipStudio Pro to color and photo edit, MS Paint, and sometimes Sketchbook. Other mediums I frequent are sewing and sculpture, I love making stuffed animals and also sculpting wire/clay dolls and sewing clothes to go with it. I also like to make miniature rooms to play with my dolls in, the more details the better!
.....I Like Psychonauts, and Jhonen Vasquez works SO SO MUCH!!! Those are my favorite things evar!!! For serious I want to be your friend if you like those things too!!!! Some of my fav music groups/projects in no order are Këkht Aräkh, Lifelover, Psychnaut 4, Black Dresses, Stomach Book, Talkshow Boy, Get Scared, Morbid, NIN, ICP, MCR, Placebo, Kraftwork. My fav genres are electronic and black metal type ones. I am working on playlists on my Youtube slowley if you would like to see that.
.....HELLO!! My name is Yohaan (any alternative spelling is fine) but i am more commonly called Johnny, or NNY. you can call me CENTI i do not mind. find fun nicknames if you want, i am male and can speak english and spanish and a little bit of german if that is important at all. i use only it/its or xe/xem (unless we are friends/mutuals you can use he/him)